One student. One subject. A neverending assessment. That's my life's lesson.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Blog Filler Post

While I was busy preparing for my examinations, a certain someone sent me a url for a joke site. Being an easily distracted person, I had to check it out. Here it is:

Warning: This site contains elements of racism jokes(aimed mostly at mat rempits). Please do not view if you are a Mat Rempit, Government official or find these kind of jokes distasteful. Also you must be Malaysian to understand this.

TMNET Speed Kills Ad. Ironic douz. Lorry fast only, internet slow.

But thats just some of it. I recommend viewing the section on 'Malaysia Celebrities'.

Anyway if i receive complaints eventhough a disclaimer is placed there, sorry la cannot help you. Enjoy reading, or click the X button at the top right hand corner. I'm just a guy with a sense of humor, not a racist. Hopefully I still can go back to Malaysia. Wah my first controversial post. I so scares.

This is a picture of Chinese 'slit-eyes' beagle. Reminds me of my handsome beagle.


Anonymous said...

huh?first post?

streamyx expensive,slow,lousy service....i also dun mind..
but they fickin limit torrents..

Anonymous said...

lol..nice la...
u posted my website...nice..spread the links at btm of the page..please dun read if u dun really get DOTA..duit kopi or's kinda broken english..